Kerchner v Obama and Congress, Update, February 23, 2010
From Charles Kerchner, lead plaintiff in Kerchner v Obama and Congress.
For Immediate Release – 22 Feb 2010
There was activity today in the Kerchner et al v Obama & Congress et al Appeal before the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia PA.
The Appellant’s Motion for Leave to File an Over-Length Appellant’s Brief has been granted by Judge Michael Chagares, Circuit Judge, with the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia PA. The Appellant’s Brief is now past that technical hurdle and is thus fully accepted and before that court. This case at the Court of Appeals level will be judged by a three judge panel. You can see a copy of the Motion and the Order granting it at the below link.
Kerchner v Obama Appeal – Motion Granted for Appellants Request for Leave to File Over Length Brief:
You can read the entire Appellant’s Brief at this link:
We say in our original complaint that Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” of the USA and thus is not eligible to serve as President in the Oval Office. Obama is a Usurper and must be removed to preserve the integrity and fundamental law of our Constitution and our Republic.
We say that we Plaintiffs do have standing and the federal courts do have jurisdiction to address the constitutional legal question as to what does the term “natural born Citizen” in Article II mean to “constitutional standards”. All citizens have the inalienable right under the 9th Amendment to stand up to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against usurpation. And Oath Takers such as CDR Kerchner have a duty to do so. The courts have the constitutional power to take and decide this case. It is part of the “judicial review” powers of the federal courts. It is the courts duty to interpret the Constitution and all terms therein for cases involving the U.S. Constitution brought before it.
“We the People” will be heard on this matter! As the People in Massachusetts have demonstrated, “We the People” are the Sovereigns in this country. The Constitution is the fundamental law of our nation, not Obama, Congress, or the two Political Parties, or the Main Stream Media. We will not be silenced. The chair Obama temporarily and illegally sits in in the Oval Office is not his throne. It is the People’s seat. And Obama despite all his obfuscations to-date must prove to “constitutional standards” that he is eligible to sit in that seat or he will be removed by the People.
This is not going to go away until Obama stops hiding ALL his hidden and sealed early life documents and provides original copies of them to a controlling legal authority and reveals his true legal identity from the time he was born until the time he ran for President.
Obama at birth was born British via his non-Citizen, foreign British Subject father. Obama is a dual-citizen. He holds and has held multiple citizenship during his life-time. He’s been a Citizenship chameleon all his life as the moment and time in his life suited him. While living in Indonesia during his childhood he was an Indonesian citizen. Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” with singular and sole allegiance to the USA at birth and Unity of Citizenship at Birth to the USA as is required per the Constitution per the intent of our founders and framers of the Constitution and the meaning of the term “natural born Citizen” to Constitutional standards. The requirement to be “natural born Citizen” at birth is a national security issue since the President is the commander of our military. That is why the clause was put into the Constitution in the first place. Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” of the USA and is an illegal President and Commander-in-Chief and is a national security risk to this nation.
The next expected activity in the Kerchner v Obama & Congress lawsuit is for the Defendants’ to file their Opposition Brief. The Defendants previously had filed for an extension for more time to file their Opposition Brief, which the court had previously granted. As has been typical, the Obama side continues to stall and delay and obfuscate. They absolutely do not wish this case tried in court on the merits as Obama is NOT a “natural born Citizen” of the USA and that would be easily proven in a Court of law with discovery and presentation of the historical and legal evidence as to what the term “natural born Citizen” meant to the founders and in four U.S. Supreme Court cases.
In the end the truth will be told. It’s only a matter of time and the truth will come out. Obama’s hidden and sealed documents of his early live will be revealed, and he will either resign or be constitutionally removed from the office he illegally sits in. Obama has created a Constitutional Crisis of historic proportions. But We the People will resolve it. History will record Putative President Obama as a disgraceful moment in the history of our great Republic and put a gigantic asterisk after his name. But we will survive it. Our Constitution and We the People will win the day and protect our freedom and liberty for our children, grandchildren, and are great-grandchildren to come. Obama the illegal President will be removed.
Charles F. Kerchner, Jr.
Commander USNR (Retired)
Lead Plaintiff
Kerchner v Obama & Congress
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